New MEVSS Group Picture!

The picture was taken on October 21, 2015 by Michael Kaffenda. Thanks Michael! It shows the current team members (from left to right): Markus Weninger, Herbert Prähofer, Stefan Fitzek, Philipp Lengauer, Jürgen Thanhofer-Pilisch, Birgit Kranzl, Peter Hofer, Daniela Rabiser, Andreas Schörgenhumer, Andreas Grimmer, Verena Bitto, Hanspeter Mössenböck, Florian Angerer, Rick Rabiser, Paul Grünbacher . Peter Feichtinger and Michael … Continue reading New MEVSS Group Picture!


In a recent article analysing 20 years of research on Software Product Lines Rick Rabiser is recognized as one of the 15 most prolific researchers in the field. Congratulations! The article was published in the Information and Software Technology Journal. In the same article, the paper “The DOPLER Meta-Tool for Decision-Oriented Variability Modeling: A Multiple … Continue reading Recognitions

Our visitor from HTL Leonding

Florian Redlinger-Pohn, a student from the HTL Leonding, a secondary technical school, just spent two weeks at our lab to work on his thesis describing a tool suite for model-driven software engineering. His work has been supervised by Gerhard Gehrer and Paul Grünbacher.


Abstract: Understanding and tracking down memory-related performance problems, such as long garbage collection times and memory leaks, is a tedious task in large and complex applications. Memory profilers can support developers in this task by recording detailed traces of the application’s memory behavior which can then be analyzed offline. Unfortunately, these traces can become huge, … Continue reading @PPPJ’15

@ASE 2015

We are happy that two papers on research results of our lab will be presented at the 30th IEEE/ACM Int’l Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2015), which will take place in Lincoln, Nebraska (USA). Configuration-Aware Change Impact Analysis (Authors: Florian Angerer, Andreas Grimmer, Herbert Prähofer, Paul Grünbacher) Understanding variability is essential to allow the … Continue reading @ASE 2015