Stellenausschreibung Softwareentwickler – Werksstudent, Fa. Primetals Technologies Austria GmbH, Linz

Die Primetals Technologies Austria (vormals Siemens VAI) in Linz baut ein neues Geschäftsmodell auf und sucht dafür kurzfristig 2 Software-Entwickler / Software-Architekten zu Verstärkung des Teams. Bei den angedachten Produkten handelt es sich um SW-basierte Lösungen, die datenbasiertes Service erlauben. Prozessdaten von einer Anlage oder eines relevanten Anlagenteils werden ausgelesen und via web übertragen, um … Continue reading Stellenausschreibung Softwareentwickler – Werksstudent, Fa. Primetals Technologies Austria GmbH, Linz

Colloquium with Klaus-Benedikt Schultis, Siemens CT and Friedrich Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg — February 4th, 2015

Architecture Challenges for Internal Software Ecosystems: A Large-Scale Industry Case Study Wednesday, February 4th 2015, 14:00 Room: S3-218 (Computer Science Building) Abstract: The idea of software ecosystems encourages organizations to open software projects for external businesses, governing the cross-organizational development by architectural and other measures. Even within a single organization, this paradigm can be of … Continue reading Colloquium with Klaus-Benedikt Schultis, Siemens CT and Friedrich Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg — February 4th, 2015

Erfolgreiche Evaluierung des Christian Doppler Labors MEVSS

Software unterliegt aufgrund neuer Anforderungen, Technologien und geänderter Einsatzumgebungen einem ständigen Wandel. Das 2013 gegründete Christian Doppler Labor MEVSS (Monitoring and Evolution of Very-Large-Scale Software Systems) entwickelt Methoden und Werkzeuge zur Überwachung, Anpassung und Weiterentwicklung komplexer Softwaresysteme. Die Forschungsschwerpunkte des Labors sind anforderungsbasiertes Monitoring und Diagnose, Modellierung und Codeanalyse in Software-Ökosystemen sowie Application Performance Management. Unter … Continue reading Erfolgreiche Evaluierung des Christian Doppler Labors MEVSS

Colloquium with Sebastian Fischmeister, University of Waterloo, Canada — December 17, 2014

DataMill: Rigorous Empirical Performance Evaluation Made Easy Wednesday, December 17th 2014, 14:00 Room: S3-218 (Computer Science Building) Abstract: Empirical systems research is facing a dilemma. Minor aspects of an experimental setup can have a significant impact on its associated performance measurements and potentially invalidate conclusions drawn from them. The growth in complexity and size of … Continue reading Colloquium with Sebastian Fischmeister, University of Waterloo, Canada — December 17, 2014

Colloquium with Sam Guinea and Luciano Baresi, Politecnico di Milano — November 27, 2014

EcoWare: Past, Present, and Future Thursday, November 27th 2014, 17:00 Room: S3-218 (Computer Science Building) Abstract: Due to the growing pervasiveness of the service paradigm, modern systems are now often built as software as a service, and tend to exploit underlying platforms and virtualized resources also provided as services. Managing such systems requires that we … Continue reading Colloquium with Sam Guinea and Luciano Baresi, Politecnico di Milano — November 27, 2014

Best Paper Award @ WICSA 2014

We are happy to announce that the paper A Flexible Framework for Runtime Monitoring of System-of-Systems Architectures co-authored by Michael Vierhauser, Rick Rabiser, Paul Grünbacher, Christian Danner, Stefan Wallner, and Helmut Zeisel received a Best Paper Award at the 11th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (Sydney, Australia)

Workshop with Mälardalen University and Vienna University of Technology

Our lab participated in a one-day workshop on conducting empirical studies in industry which was organised on March 25, 2014 in Vienna. We met with researchers from Mälardalen University’s ITS-EASY Post Graduate School for Embedded Software and Systems and colleagues from the Christian Doppler Lab on Software Engineering Integration for Flexible Automation Systems (TU Vienna).

29th IEEE/ACM Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2014)

The 29th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering took place in Västerås, Sweden between September 15 and September 19, 2014. Paul Grünbacher served as program co-chair of the event. The conference is the premier research forum for automated software engineering. It brings together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to discuss foundations, techniques and tools for … Continue reading 29th IEEE/ACM Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2014)

Colloquium with Jörg Liebig, University of Passau, Germany — December 4, 2013

Dipl. Ing.-Inf. Jörg Liebig, University of Passau, Germany Analysis and Transformation of Configurable Systems Wednesday, December 4th 2013, 12:30 Room: S 247 (Computer Science Building) Abstract: Today’s software systems have grown to a level of complexity that make them hard to understand and maintain for developers. It is not only their sheer size, but also … Continue reading Colloquium with Jörg Liebig, University of Passau, Germany — December 4, 2013

Euromicro SEAA 2014: Call for Contributions

Rick Rabiser is serving as program co-chair of the 40th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2014). The conference will take place in Verona, Italy, August 27-29, 2014. The conference website is available at