Our colleague Rick Rabiser received a Distinguished Reviewer Award at SPLC 2018, the 22nd International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (Gothenburg, Sweden). Congratulations!
Informatik-Kolloquium: The Convergence of Safety and Security for Safety-critical Systems (Prof. Fischmeister, University of Waterloo)
The Department of Computer Science of Johannes Kepler University Linz together with the Austrian Society of Computer Science (ÖGI) invites to the following talk: The Convergence of Safety and Security for Safety-critical Systems Tuesday, July 10th, 2018, 15:00-16:00 Room: JKU, S3-218 (Science Park 3) Abstract: For decades, safety was the dominating topic for cyber-physical systems. … Continue reading Informatik-Kolloquium: The Convergence of Safety and Security for Safety-critical Systems (Prof. Fischmeister, University of Waterloo)
Call for Papers — ManLang’18
The 15th International Conference on Managed Languages & Runtimes (ManLang’18) will take place in Linz, Austria, September 10-14, 2018. ManLang (formerly PPPJ) is a premier forum for presenting and discussing novel results in all aspects of managed programming languages and runtime systems, which serve as building blocks for some of the most important computing systems, … Continue reading Call for Papers — ManLang’18
We are happy to announce that Thomas Krismayer (2nd right) received an award of the Austrian Society for Artificial Intelligence (ÖGAI) for his master’s thesis ‘Prediction of User Traits from Music Listening Habits’. The award is given annually to promote excellent theses in the field of artificial intelligence. Congratulations, Thomas!
Euromicro SEAA’18 Conference
The 44th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2018) will be held August 29-31, 2018 in Prague, Czech Republic. Rick Rabiser is involved in organizing the track on Software Process and Product Improvement (SPPI) together with Stefan Biffl and Dietmar Winkler from TU Vienna and the special session on Monitoring in Large-Scale … Continue reading Euromicro SEAA’18 Conference
“DevOps in Action” — Invited Talk by Anita Engleder
On Tuesday, May 16 Anita Engleder gave an invited talk on DevOps practices in the engineering process of our industry partner Dynatrace as part of the class on “Software Processes and Tools”. Thank you for the exciting talk! Anita Engleder is global DevOps manager at Dynatrace SaaS/Managed. She is focused on customer value through maximizing … Continue reading “DevOps in Action” — Invited Talk by Anita Engleder
Congratulations, Florian!
On March 29, 2017 Florian Angerer defended his dissertation to earn his doctoral degree! Congratulations! Special thanks goes to all members of the committee. The picture shows (from left to right): Paul Grünbacher (Head CDL MEVSS), Herbert Prähofer (supervisor), Armin Biere (head of the committee), Florian Angerer, Rene Mayrhofer (committee member), and Sven Apel (external … Continue reading Congratulations, Florian!
Congratulations, Daniela!
On December 22, 2016 Daniela Rabiser defended her dissertation to earn her doctoral degree! Congratulations! Special thanks goes to all members of the committee: The picture shows (from left to right): Josef Küng (committee member), Stefan Biffl (external assessor, Technical University Vienna), Daniela Rabiser, Paul Grünbacher (supervisor), and Armin Biere (head of the committee).
Würdigungspreis für Andreas Grimmer
DI Andreas Grimmer, vormals Studienassistent unseres Labors, wurde für seinen Masterabschluss mit dem Würdigungspreis 2016 des Wissenschaftsministeriums ausgezeichnet. Seine Masterarbeit „A Program Analysis Tool Chain for Programmable Logic Controller Programs“ hat er im Rahmen des CD Labors angefertigt. Wir freuen uns mit Andreas und gratulieren herzlich! Zum Artikel auf jku.at
Euromicro 2017
Stefan Biffl, Dietmar Winkler and Rick Rabiser organize a Track on Software Process and Product Improvement at the 43rd Euromicro SEAA 2017 Conference, which will take place between August 30 and September 1, 2017 in Vienna, Austria. The submission deadline is March 15. Further tracks and special sessions at SEAA include Model-based development, Components and Services, Embedded Software … Continue reading Euromicro 2017