All posts by mevss

The lab shows strong presence at ICPE’17

Four papers of our lab are presented this week at the 8th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering in L’Aquila, Italy. Weninger, Markus; Lengauer, Philipp; Mössenböck, Hanspeter, “User-centered Offline Analysis of Memory Monitoring Data” Schörgenhumer, Andreas; Hofer, Peter; Gnedt, David; Mössenböck, Hanspeter, “Efficient Sampling-based Lock Contention Profiling for Java” Lengauer, Philipp; Bitto, Verena; Mössenböck, Hanspeter, … Continue reading The lab shows strong presence at ICPE’17

Congratulations, Daniela!

On December 22, 2016 Daniela Rabiser defended her dissertation to earn her doctoral degree! Congratulations! Special thanks goes to all members of the committee: The picture shows (from left to right): Josef Küng (committee member), Stefan Biffl (external assessor, Technical University Vienna), Daniela Rabiser, Paul Grünbacher (supervisor), and Armin Biere (head of the committee).

Würdigungspreis für Andreas Grimmer

DI Andreas Grimmer, vormals Studienassistent unseres Labors, wurde für seinen Masterabschluss mit dem Würdigungspreis 2016 des Wissenschaftsministeriums ausgezeichnet. Seine Masterarbeit „A Program Analysis Tool Chain for Programmable Logic Controller Programs“ hat er im Rahmen des CD Labors angefertigt. Wir freuen uns mit Andreas und gratulieren herzlich! Zum Artikel auf

Euromicro 2017

Stefan Biffl, Dietmar Winkler and Rick Rabiser organize a Track on Software Process and Product Improvement at the 43rd Euromicro SEAA 2017 Conference, which will take place between August 30 and September 1, 2017 in Vienna, Austria. The submission deadline is March 15. Further tracks and special sessions at SEAA include Model-based development, Components and Services, Embedded Software … Continue reading Euromicro 2017


MEVSS Forum November 24, 2016 Research Reports Requirements-based Monitoring and Diagnosis of Systems of Systems (Rick Rabiser) Application Performance Management Memory Monitoring (Philipp Lengauer) Lock Contention Monitoring (Peter Hofer) Multi-Modeling and Evolution in Software Ecosystems Feature Modeling in Industrial Software Ecosystems (Daniela Rabiser) Configuration-aware Program Analysis (Florian Angerer) Tool Demonstrations REMINDS: REquirements Monitoring INfrastructure for … Continue reading MEVSS Forum

Congratulations, Peter!

On November 10, 2016 Peter Hofer defended his dissertation to earn his doctoral degree! Congratulations! Special thanks goes to all members of the committee: The picture shows (from left to right): Armin Biere (head of the committee), Rene Mayrhofer (committee member), Walter Binder (external assessor, University of Lugano) and Hanspeter Mössenböck (supervisor).

Contribute to MoLS’17!

Sam Guinea, Wilhelm Hasselbring, Rick Rabiser, and Michael Vierhauser are organizing the MoLS’17 workshop on Monitoring in Large-Scale Software Systems. The meeting will take place in conjunction with the 8th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE 2017) in L’Aquila, Italy from April 22-26, 2017.

IEEE Student Paper Contest 2016

Jürgen Thanhofer-Pilisch (former student researcher in Research Module 1; 1st from right) and Andreas Schörgenhumer (student researcher in Research Module 3; 2nd from right) were nominees of the IEEE Student Paper Contest 2016. Congratulations! The award was sponsored by our industry partner Primetals Technologies.